
Southwest Greens provides many different services to turn your backyard into a vacation retreat. Synthetic turf putting greens, bocce courts, tennis courts and play areas as well as sports flooring for basketball, tennis and multi-purpose courts are just the beginning in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Backyard entertainment, sports and activities are a great way to provide family fun and keep in shape. On this page we provide links to our sister companies and trusted affiliates.

Bocce Courts: PA Bocce Courts

Basketball and Tennis Courts: PA Basketball Courts

Playground Surfacing: PA Playground Surfaces

Southwest Greens International, a Division of Shaw Industries: Southwest Greens Golf and Grass

Modular and Sports Flooring: Mateflex

Landscaping in Bucks County, PA: New Garden Concepts

Vacationing in Orlando? Luxury Disney and Golf Rental Home:

Legal services provided by Weir & Associates LLC